Theon’s mission is to uphold our social responsibility by improving the quality of human life by providing quality products of
WHO-GMP standards and ensuring premier health care for the society. It endeavors to unlock the geographic potential by delivering balanced and improved product portfolio of quality and cost. The company envisages of being a forerunner in the fast emerging and ever growing market.
THEON believes that complete customer satisfaction is the key to increase clientele and expand business. It provides genuine and timely solutions keeping commitments in true spirit. Prompt responsiveness and acceptance of audit compliance is a natural corollary. Passion to excel in technology, competency, resources and services, renders Theon a defined competitive edge over others. The 3 C’s Competence, Connection and Character binds us to our customers.

As a dynamic, innovative, caring and reliable pharmaceutical company, the vision is to stand out as exemplary performer in national and international arena.
Theon wants to excel manufacturing of highest quality products with ethical standards and obligation to do right and fair.
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